It is our priviledge to partner with you and our team of talented consultants, coaches, and behind the scenes support specialists as we work together on the continuous pursuit of excellence.

Ed Hill
Founder & Ambassador

Rick Phelps
Consulting & Product Development

Mark Phelps
Coaching & Business Development
Growing with You
With an expanding team of talented Synchronous Flow experts, we are ready as ever to partner with you and guide your business or career growth. Our consultants and coaches live across the United States from Maine to North Carolina to Hawaii and several locations in between. Though Cleveland, Ohio serves as our home office, our virtual office keeps us in constant communication.

Better Together
As much fun as can be had over a web conference call, it only gets better in person.
Getting together with clients and team alike is an investment that always reaps a worthy return. The time spent at industry conferences and events can be both great learning opporutnities and fun social gatherings. Hope to see you at the next event!
Our Core Beliefs
Shared values allow us to hold one another accountable to living and working in alignment with beliefs.